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Whom to hire as a Joomla Developer in 2021?

Writer: nevinainfotechnevinainfotech

Hire Joomla Developer

It can be tough to hire Joomla developer since Joomla is a tricky platform to deal with. There are tons of freelancing sites available but getting the right freelancers onboard is a no joyful ride.

Moreover, clients face a lot of problems when they ran into the wrong Joomla developer for hire, whether be individuals or agencies such as quoting it low initially but gradually hiking up as the project progresses, freelancers not being professional while the project is still in progress, developers getting overconfident of taking care of everything, and frequent changes in the team in terms of leaving the job and hiring recruits.

Henceforth, you need to hire dedicated Joomla developers who can deal with the waters, whether shallow or deep. Let us help you a bit in accessing what kind of developers you would encounter.

Types of developers to differentiate between

Joomla developer is quite an ambiguous term, and so even the slightest misunderstanding can make you land up with the wrong kind of person than what you were looking for. It would be best to look at the little picture of your business needs rather than look at a broader scenario.

To make things easier for you when looking to hire dedicated Joomla developers, we have bifurcated them based upon today’s market scenario.

Website Builders – They have comprehensive knowledge of how to play with templates and extensions to build a website even though they are not technically sound otherwise. They are indeed affordable, especially compared with seasoned professionals with graphics skills seen at times that’s a plus.

Template Designers – They have a knack for crafting out nice looking templates by introducing their knowledge of HTML and CSS into an already existing design. They are a bit costlier than website builders since they go for a complete design makeover, making it usable for site creation.

Website Designers – They possess both template design and site-building skills since they can have the designs altered while carving out a website out of it. They are even costlier to deal with since they are involved in the end to end process.

Extension Designers – They are similar to template designers, with the difference that they specialize in creating extensions with their thorough CMS knowledge. They typically work more on an hourly basis.

It is such a common phenomenon to fall into the trap of hiring absolutely the wrong people on board. It is crucial to jot down the things you need to be done from your project to help you decide how to go about when you plan to get a Joomla developer for hire.

You might have many things to say or share the same encountered during the Joomla developer hiring process. Feel free to post your thoughts and discuss them to help individuals or businesses hire a Joomla developer.


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