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Mobile Marketing - The Need of the Hour for Marketers

Writer's picture: nevinainfotechnevinainfotech

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

The technology pundits have been claiming for quite a while that mobile would be the next big thing. The forecast was never so correct, with more than 2.7 billion smartphone users globally. Another startling fact is that mobiles have officially surpassed the number of desktops around six years back. Every other website and mobile app development company has been enticing marketers to tap the huge potential in mobile marketing by including it as a part of their website and mobile app. A seismic shift has been seen from traditional marketing to mobile marketing recently. This article highlights the importance of mobile marketing and the latest trends involved.

Mobile Marketing – An Overview

Mobile marketing is a phenomenon wherein marketers deliver the intended messages via tablets or smartphones. However, it leads to a multi-disciplinary approach involving channels like emails, SMSes, in-app advertising, notifications, QR codes, etc. Some of these channels might require a mobile app development company in india to be integrated within the business’ app or website. The pervasiveness of smartphones, along with their ease of access, makes a strong case for mobile marketing to be used as an effective marketing tool.

The Need for Mobile Marketing

Smartphones provide a lot of fertile ground for marketers, including games, movies, social media, mails – common services availed by a normal smartphone user. Moreover, the ubiquitousness of mobile phones makes it an efficient marketing tool. Businesses usually hire a mobile app development company to target audiences with characteristics matching with their ideal customer profile. Analytical tools are available for targeting and segmentation in the mobile app itself. Location and time-based adverts for engaging audiences fitting in specific criteria make them deliver personalized messages just at the right time.

New Marketing Models

Any website and mobile app development company in india would give you newer marketing models inbuilt in their proposed mobile app for your business. The assortment varies from app-based marketing to QR codes. The app-based marketing involves displaying adverts directly inside the app itself. SMS mobile marketing is one of the oldest mobile marketing techniques, wherein promotional messages are sent by marketers on potential customer’s mobile numbers. The notifications would serve a useful purpose when the app is offline. It can give promotional offers information to the client without the requirement of opening the app. QR codes are the newest addition in this array of marketing models, where a URL to an advert can be activated by scanning a QR code from a smartphone’s camera. With mobile phone users always indulged in its screen, possibilities are limitless.

Industry Best Practices

The mobile app development india will empower you to implement the aforementioned mobile marketing tips, but remember to be concise and clear. This is because screen sizes of mobiles are apt for displaying small text, and scrolling needs effort from the user side. Moreover, one should consider optimizing local searches to showcase your product or business in the neighborhood. Another important tip would be to experiment with various marketing modes varying from ad extensions to game-based mobile marketing. Identifying your target audience would go a long haul for your business. Different adverts and different modes for different segments would be an ideal strategy. Optimizing your website for mobile phones is also an important step involved in the process. Lastly, do not forget to track the effectiveness of various marketing modes via analytical tools. This would give you an idea of what works for you?

Concluding Remarks

Mobile phones have dramatically changed the entire marketing landscape in a very short time. The consumer buying behavior and psychology have rightly been captured via marketers using mobile marketing. However, the “one size fits all” approach will not work, and marketers would have to up their game now and then, keeping pace with the latest innovations in mobile marketing. Marketers should consult a website and mobile app development company to keep themselves abreast of the latest trends in mobile marketing. The business owners should not miss on this opportunity to join the fast-paced wagon of mobile marketing and should immediately hire a mobile app development company in india to initiate the process. To conclude, mobile marketing is not an option, and it is a necessity in this competitive world. Go and explore these latest avenues of marketing.



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